Forest Education
Forest education of the society is one of a priorities for the State Forests. It aims at spreading in the society knowledge about the forest environment and continuous sustainable forest management, and improving awareness about reasonable and responsible use of all forest functions.
SF educational activities attract a lot of attention. They cover a wide range of methodologies, including traditional field classes and trips with a guide, classes at forest education rooms, meetings with a forester in schools and outside them, educational actions and events, exhibitions, outdoor workshops, competitions testing forestry knowledge, or sports competitions. An attractive and diversified education infrastructure is used during those activities, consisting of forestry education centres, education rooms, education sheds – so-called green classes, educational trails, education points, as well as an accommodation base. Education activities of the State Forests are supported by the State Forests Information Centre.
Leaders in forest education are forest promotional complexes (FPC). These functional units are used to improve management principles combining objectives of overall environmental protection with continuous sustainable forest management.
Tourists can find current information about the forest tourist offer at the website, created in 2010.
The State Forests also publish their own publicly available and free positions, useful for everybody wanting to expand their knowledge about nature.Edukacja leśna społeczeństwa to jeden z priorytetów Lasów Państwowych. Ma ona za zadanie upowszechnianie w społeczeństwie wiedzy o środowisku leśnym i trwale zrównoważonej gospodarce leśnej oraz podnoszenie świadomości w zakresie racjonalnego i odpowiedzialnego korzystania ze wszystkich funkcji lasu.