Forests in Poland

Making Forest Available

In our country, forests are a property of all citizens and under the Forest Act, access to them is free of charge. Tourists exploring the Polish forests can also use the provided tourist infrastructure, including forest car parks and resting places with shelters, tables and benches. They can be used for a break to rest before further journey, or as a place for a picnic in the forest scenery. There are also specially designated places for bonfires or barbecues. They are appropriately secured to prevent uncontrolled spreading of fire, eliminating a risk of the forest fire.

Use of naked flame (including lighting bonfires) in the forest outside those designated areas is forbidden. This ban also covers the 100-m zone from the forest border.

The general access to forests and their resources is stipulated in provisions of the Forest Act of 28 September 1991.

The permanent entry ban concerns forests that are:

  • forest cultivations up to 4 m high
  • experimental areas and seed-tree stands;
  • wildlife refuges;
  • seepage spring areas of rivers and streams;
  • areas at risk of erosion.

It is further forbidden in forests to:

  • contaminate soil and waters;
  • litter;
  • dig in the ground;
  • destroy mushrooms and spawn;
  • destroy or damage trees, bushes and other plants;
  • destroy utility, tourist and technical equipment and facilities, and markings and boards;
  • harvest forest fruit and mushroom in marked forbidden places;
  • rake and collect forest litter;
  • graze farm animals;
  • camp outside designated places;
  • collect eggs and chicks, destroy bird breeding grounds and nests, and to destroy lairs, holes and anthills;
  • scare, chase, catch and kill wild animals;
  • unleash dogs;
  • make noise and use audio signals, excluding cases when raising the alarm is required.

When the above rules are breached, particularly in a way posing a threat to the forest or to tourists in it, please, react!
Detailed information about tourist resources provided by the State Forests is available in the forest tourist guide,
SF manage a publicly available database, i.e., Forest Database (Bank Danych o Lasach). The main aim of this website is to provide information about forest management and condition, and on changes in forests under different forms of ownership.

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