Trillium family (Trilliaceae)
Perennial with underground rhizomes. Stem erect, reaching 10-40 cm, with a single ring of 3-5 leaves about half way up. Above that further stretch of stem topped by single flower. Leaves elliptical or ovate, spread out flat, with reticulate pattern of veins. Perianth segments are 4 external green ones lanceolate in shape, as well as 4 yellow-green inner ones that are very narrow and non-tapering. Fruit is a blue-black (POISONOUS) berry. Flowers in April.
Grows on fertile mesic or moist soils, mainly occurring in riparian and oak-lime-hornbeam forest.
Descriptions devised by the team at the Independent Department of Forest Botany, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, i.e. L. Witkowska-Żuk, K. Marciszewska, W. Ciurzycki, A. Obidziński and P. Zaniewski