The forests have numerous functions which can be classified as:
- ecological (natural),
- social,
- economic.
By fulfilling this function, the State Forests should meet expectations of various stakeholders, including:
- society – concerning preservation of forest resources for future generations, providing healthy environment for living by binding CO2, protection of water and soil resources, and maintaining the environment for plants, animals and mushroom development, providing an opportunity for experiencing nature, providing a place for spending free time and for sports and tourisms, protection of cultural and natural heritage, and harvesting forest products for daily use;
- self-governments and local societies – concerning tax revenues and local fees, creation of new jobs and local economic development, participation in investment projects associated with infrastructure development;
- nature and environmental protection organisations and agencies – concerning, in particular, ensuring conservation of endangered species of plants, animals, and fungi;
- economy – concerning supply of wood materials and side products of forest management in quantities and of quality and at prices meeting their technological and economic needs.
When establishing objectives for themselves, the State Forests must consider tasks imposed on them by provisions of the national legislation and international regulations. They determine the position of the State Forests in the economic system, as well as frameworks for their operations.
The basis for operations of the State Forests National Forest Holding are stipulated in the Forest Act of 28 September 1991. The Act specifies tasks and basic principles for functioning of the State Forests, and in particular:
- a status of the State Forests as an unincorporated organisation unit;
- self-financing of the State Forests operations;
- forest management based on a forest arrangement plan;
- supervising management of forests owned by other entities, as entrusted by starosts;
- management of State Treasury property, including forest management;
- operating within a three-tiered organisational structure;
Source: strategia.lasy.gov.pl.