Tourist Base of Narewka Commune consists of three houses for all-year use (48 beds). Each house contains:
- two double rooms with a bathroom and a terrace,
- two triple rooms with a bathroom and a terrace, including a room adapted to needs of disabled people
- a room upstairs with 6 beds and a bathroom
- common room
- annex available to all guests
The houses are located in the heart of Białowieża Forest, in a picturesque surroundings of water and green areas. The ancient linden trees whisper quietly, the nearby beach invites, and the sun reflects in the water. Those beautiful surroundings can be admired from windows and terraces of our houses. Cycling trips along picturesque trails of Białowieża Forest and its surroundings are one of the forms of active recreation provided at the Tourist Base. The cycling trails lead tourists through a well-marked network of forest roads. It is a unique route, offering frequent opportunities for encounters with inhabitants of the forest, bisons, red deer, roe deer and wild boars, for enjoying birds songs filling the air, admiring richness of plant communities and listening to whisperings of the ancient Forest. For tourists playing land sports, we prepared tennis, volleyball, basketball and badminton courts, and an outdoor gym.
During the summer we rent pedalos and kayaks and we can guarantee that a trip down the rivers Narewka and Narew is a unique experience, and an opportunity to admire beautiful landscapes and unspoiled beauty of the nature. Although the river waters move lazily, yet this trail is very interesting because of strongly meandering river courses and rich plant cover, so kayakers can enjoy unique nature and landscapes.
In winter we encourage more adventurous tourists to try rides on snowmobiles along snow-coated trails in Białowieża Forest.
A bonfire site with a shelter is provided beside the Harbour, where you can have a pleasant time in a warm flickering light of a bonfire.
The all-year Tourist Information Point at the base will provide you with extensive information about attractions found in our region. With its extensive range of interesting and diversified activities, Narewka Commune is a great place for tourists interested in active recreation, walkers, cyclists and lovers of nature.
Come and visit us!
Tourist Base of Narewka Commune
Hajnowska 33,
17 – 220 Narewka
phone: +48 85 685 80 62
e-mail: [email protected]