Białowieża National Park


One of the statutory tasks of National Park is education, and Białowieża National Park has been providing it for nearly 90 years. A ‘corner stone’ of that education were activities of Professor Jan Jerzy Karpiński, who used articles, photographs and organised trips to the forest as an excellent measures to present information on nature to children and adults alike. Throughout the years this teaching model has changed, yet to this day many of its aspects are based on subjects indicated by Professor Karpiński.

Today, Professor J.J. Karpiński memorial Nature Education Centre operates in Białowieża National Park, where activities are organised for different age groups and educational projects on specific subjects are run. One of the important events in the calendar of educational projects is The Exhibition of Białowieża Forest Mushroom, organised annually for over 20 years. The extensive educational resources of Białowieża National Park also include an exhibition on nature and environment in the Museum, where group classes are held for smaller groups. The Museum is available to tourists. Read more here…


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