Bog-moss family Sphagnaceae
Moss forming carpet of pale to whitish-blue-green. Stems straight, yellow-brown, 10-30 cm long. Side-branches clustered at top form head of diameter 1.5-2 cm. Stem-leaves flat and ligulate, up to 2 mm long, arranged imbricately, while branch-leaves roundish, boat-shaped, somewhat narrowed and wrapped up at apex.
Capsule spherical, dark brown, set on pseudopod about 1 cm long. A species of transitional peatlands and raised bogs that grows in marshy coniferous forest, boreal spruce forest, and often in alder bog forest. Also occasionally present in oak-spruce forest. Subject to Partial Protection.
Descriptions devised by the team at the Independent Department of Forest Botany, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, i.e. L. Witkowska-Żuk, K. Marciszewska, W. Ciurzycki, A. Obidziński and P. Zaniewski.