Blue tit (Cyanistes caeruleus)

  • Rodzina: Pozostałe Other
  • Gdzie widziałeś: Las Forest
  • Gdzie widziałeś: Polana Glade, meadow
  • Gdzie widziałeś: Wieś Village
  • Rozmiar: Wielkości wróbla i mniejszy of the sparrow or smaller
  • Yellow
  • Green
  • Blue
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Body length: 11-12 cm
Body mass: 11-14 g
Appearance: mainly blue, with sky-blue wings and tail, blue cap on white head and yellow belly. Males bluer than females.

A tit smaller than a sparrow that inhabits forests, parks and gardens. Chooses both tree-holes and nestboxes to found a nest made of moss, hair and feathers. Some pairs have two broods a year. Eats seeds and insects. Aggressive – towards members of its own species and other birds, and able to repel larger great tits from feeders. Mainly resident and sedentary.


Descriptions drawing on content of Ptaki Polski (“Birds of Poland”) - a book authored by Andrzej G. Kruszewicz, and published by MULTICO Oficyna Wydawnicza Sp. z o.o.

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