Body length: 12-13 cm
Body mass: 10-13 g
Appearance: greyish-brown with black cap and whitish cheek (differs from willow tit in narrower and shorter black bib, and shiny black appearance of cap that is confined to head, rather than head+nape).
Widespread across Poland, but nowhere common. Mainly present in large areas of continuous forest, preferring moist mixed or broadleaved stands with plenty of deadwood. Usually excavates nest-hole in rotting trunk, only very rarely using a nestbox. Maintains pair-bond long term and leads sedentary life. Some pairs manage two breeds a season. Feeds on insects, seeds and small fruits. Usually eschews bird-feeders.
Very similar in appearance to willow tit.
Descriptions drawing on content of Ptaki Polski (“Birds of Poland”) - a book authored by Andrzej G. Kruszewicz, and published by MULTICO Oficyna Wydawnicza Sp. z o.o.