Crested tit (Lophophanes cristatus)

  • Rodzina: Pozostałe Other
  • Gdzie widziałeś: Las Forest
  • Rozmiar: Wielkości wróbla i mniejszy of the sparrow or smaller
  • Black
  • Grey
  • Brown
  • White
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Body length: 11-12 cm
Body mass: 11-13 g
Appearance: grey and brown with crest featuring black and white patterning.

A rather small resident tit species that prefers dry pine and spruce forests, or else mixed forests with large admixture of conifers. One of few species to seek out nutrient-poor habitats. Nests mostly dug out from rotted trunks up to 1.5 metres above ground. Rarely also moves into nestboxes. Mostly manages 2 broods a year. Feeds on seeds and insects.


Descriptions drawing on content of Ptaki Polski (“Birds of Poland”) - a book authored by Andrzej G. Kruszewicz, and published by MULTICO Oficyna Wydawnicza Sp. z o.o.

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